Herrscher of Flamescion

ER Adjustments
Character Adjustment
Stats and skill level are adjusted to Lv. 80 equivalent.
Passive Skill Adjustment
When the barrier breaks, Valkyrie restores 60% max HP immediately and becomes invincible for 3s. CD: 30s.
Ultimate Adjustment
My Body, A Beacon's skill restoration is not affected by stage effects.
Exclusive Signets

Blessing of Reburn
Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill removes Overheat and clears Heat.

Blessing of Reburn +
Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill removes Overheat and clears Heat. Ultimate Evasion Skill has one more charge.

Blessing of Tempered Warrior
Aerial Combo ATKs reduce Ultimate Evasion Skill CD by 9s.

Blessing of Tempered Warrior +
Aerial Combo ATKs reduce Ultimate Evasion Skill CD by 9s. Total DMG taken in midair is reduced by 30%.

Blessing of Flamescion
For every black hole created by the Herrscher of Flamescion, Valkyrie restores 25 barrier HP per second and deals 30% bonus Total DMG.

Blessing of Flamescion +
For every black hole created by the Herrscher of Flamescion, Valkyrie restores 25 HP per second and deals 30% bonus Total DMG. Barrier HP increases by 25%.

Blessing of Starfire
When a black hole created by the Herrscher of Flamescion ends, a smaller black hole lasting 5s is generated to deal 300% ATK of Fire DMG per second. CD: 3s.

Blessing of Starfire +
When the black hole created by the Herrscher of Flamescion ends, a smaller black hole lasting 5s is generated to deal 400% ATK of Fire DMG per second. CD: 3s.

Blessing of Heatflow
Black holes generated by the Herrscher of Flamescion deal 75% bonus Fire DMG. Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill creates an additional black hole dealing 1200% ATK of Fire DMG.

Blessing of Heatflow +
Black holes generated by the Herrscher of Flamescion deal 100% bonus Fire DMG. Triggering Ultimate Evasion Skill creates an additional black hole dealing 1200% ATK of Fire DMG.