Blink 2세트
Gain 1 charge for every 10s on the field. With enemies nearby, deal 100% ATK of Lightning DMG to a random nearby enemy, and inflict 3 Stun Trauma, and activate Destreza mode. Any evasion will trigger Ultimate Evasion effects (a successful Ultimate Evasion will end Destreza). First entry unleashes a Lightning Shockwave. After Ultimate Evasion, Combo/Charged ATKs deal 20% bonus Total DMG for 5s (triggering it again refreshes the duration).
Tajo Z 3세트
After Ultimate Evasion, the next attack unleashes a Z-slash (CD: 10s). The Z-slash deals 300% ATK of Physical DMG to enemies within a small AOE. Also applies impair, lowering enemy DEF by 50% for 5s.